15 October security Marima family were adamant they had bought shares from the previous white owner. ZPP understands the Department of National Parks is still at the resort. Freedom of Association *Vimbai Chibanda, Orphan and Vulnerable Child Facilitator (OVCF) from ward 24 Zaka West was allegedly sacked and relieved of her duties as facilitator on suspicion of supporting MDC-T by Councillor Cletos Vhudzi. Chibanda was replaced by Mrs Mahove Zvinavakobvu wife to Headman Zvinavakobvu a staunch Zanu PF supporter. Matabeleland South After the arrest of the local Senator, people are skeptical of taking part in protests or publicly expressing their political views. Date HR Violated Provincial highlights 19 October Right to Demonstrate and Petition Senator Sithembile Mlotshwa and 15 other villagers from Matobo South who were arrested on 23 September for demonstrating against the acquisition of their land by Trek and Arda were brought before the Kezi Magistrate’s court. The trial was postponed to 13 November as the state was not ready to proceed. 29 October There was a public hearing held in Gwanda to solicit for input from community members on electoral reforms. The meeting was facilitated by ERC and chaired by Jessie Majome, the Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Committee chairperson. The meeting was attended by people supporting different political partoes and was successful as attendants freely aired their views Midlands Members of Parliament have begun canvassing for support ahead of the 2018 general elections. Discrimination regarding food aid is also on the rise with opposition political party supporters being the main victims. Date HR Violated Provincial highlights 22

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