Province Date HR Violated Provincial highlights Matabeleland North 2 October Right to Food Norah Mthethwa of Zanu PF removed two women aged over 65 years from the food register alleging that they do not attend her meetings. The two women who are both MDC-T members are Sthabiso Dube and Lilian Nleya and are from village two in ward 3 of Mbembeswana area 1. The two have approached the village head who has said he has no power over Mthethwa. 5 October Right to Food Chief Siachilaba of Binga North allegedly gathered people at his homestead to brief them on the pending grain loan scheme. He summoned all his village heads and their secretaries and told them the scheme was not meant for MDC-T supporters as it was sourced for Zanu PF members only. Freedom of Association 12 October Right to Food It is alleged that World Vision was giving villagers $7 per person per family to buy a 10kg bag of maize. However, Ecocash agents around Nkayi South then demand that villagers buy some groceries each before they claim their cash. Shops that have been accused for abusing the ecocash system are Manton Stores and Knitwell Stores. Mxolisi Sibanda, an official from World Vision, confirmed that villagers were receiving aid from World Vision and said that the relevant officials will engage Ecocash and locate the agents accused of unfairly charging villagers for cashing out their money. 24 October Right to Water Sipepa growth point in Tsholotsho North, ward 5 under headman Mcetshwa, chief Matupula area has had no water for a week due to breakdown of Zimbabwe National Water Authority engines. This breakdown affects the business community, Sipepa Secondary School, Sipepa Hospital, Arex, vetinary offices, council offices and the surrounding villages of Sipepa and Mkhethwa. 31

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