26 October Right to Personal Security Police officers clashed with opposition members of parliament when the uniformed forces were called in to remove Budiriro MP, Costa Machingauta of MDC-T for wearing a jacket with colours of the national flag. During the mayhem MDC-T legislator, Susan Matsunga, alleged that she had been indecently assaulted by one of the police officers. Manicaland The Chimanimani West by-election campaigns have gathered momentum as the election day draws closer. Zanu PF youths have set up terror bases at Hotsprings, Nhedziwa Growth Point and Biriri Business Centre threatening villagers with unspecified punishment in the event that Zanu PF loses the elections. Date HR Violated 5 October Right to Shelter Freedom Association Provincial highlights MDC-T supporters, *Maxwell Chakanyuka and *Promise Bwanya, of ARDA Transaal ward 5 of Mutare North were allegedly served with eviction notices by an AREX officer, Mr Makina. It is alleged that villagers that were resettled at of ARDA Transaal are Zanu PF supporters and it was established that they are not. 14

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