Provincial Summaries Bulawayo The month of October was marked with interparty conflict. Despite the presence of multiple political parties in Bulawayo most people have proven not to be tolerant of the plurality as scuffles keep breaking out between supporters of different political parties. Date HR Violated Provincial highlights 3 October Freedom to Demonstrate and Petition The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) withdrew charges against 86 Bulawayo residents who were arrested on 6 July 2016 during the #ShutdownZim2016 anti-government protests and charged with participating in committing public violence. It was presented that there is no sufficient evidence to consider commencement of trial. 5 October Freedom of Expression In Nkulumane, Derrick Ncube a Movement for Democratic Change led by Tsvangirai (MDC-T) activist attempted to beat up Martin Dube, a Zanu PF activist, who was talking in support of bond notes. Ncube verbally insulted Dube and attempted to beat him with an empty beer bottle. 7 October Freedom of Association George Nkala of MDC verbally insulted and threatened to beat up a ZAPU activist *Mandla Mabaleka who was posting ZAPU posters on trees and walls in Nkulumane 5. Nkala went on to tear the posters while Mabaleka fled the scene. No police report was made. 22 October Freedom of Association A meeting organized by Bulawayo Progressive Residents Association at McDonald hall in Mzilikazi was disrupted by twelve MDC-T youths who had been allegedly organized by ward 8 councilor Sheila Musonda. The meeting was due to start at 1430hrs and about a hundred residents had gathered when the youths marched in and disconnected the public address system. The rowdy youths announced that the meeting was illegal, as the councilor was not informed. Due to fear of violence residents adjourned the meeting. 22 October Freedom of Expression Moffat Moyo of MDC-T is alleged to have beaten up *Mlondolozi Tshabangu, a Zanu PF supporter with fists at Reigate centre in Ward 5. Tshabangu is said to have been supporting the introduction of bond notes to the extent of saying only misunderstanding fools could oppose the move. The utterance angered Moyo who assaulted Tshabangu in the presence of onlookers .The case was not reported to the police.

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