Provincial Highlights Intimidation/harassment 1 1 Unlawful detention 1 0 Threat level: Low Threat level: Low It is alleged that on 12 December the Harare City Council demolished about 39 structures in Arcadia ward 2 of Harare South. Reports are that about 30 cottages and surrounding parameter walls were demolished by council graders. Part of the affected residents residing in Arcadia including Gift Zindi and Dongo accused the city council of corrupt tendencies and using dubious documents to destroy their properties. Dongo also reported that a council employee identified only as Themba facilitated the demolitions to benefit more land since he was constructing a house opposite the affected areas. In a telephone interview Harare City Council spokesperson Michael Chideme reported that the council is guided by-laws permitting them to demolish illegal structures. He argued that the inhabitants were served with notice letters prior to evictions. He also reiterated that the structures were built on land set aside for drainage pipes and sewage systems. On the 31st December 2017 during a church conference at Zimbabwe International Trade Fair grounds Hall 4, with the theme ‘Prayer for Zimbabwe,’ eight youths from the Mthwakazi Republic Party were arrested after they demonstrated against President Mnangagwa demanding answers on Gukurahundi genocide in the early eighties. It is said that the peaceful demonstration was meant to send a clear message to President Mnangagwa who was the guest of honour. While they were demonstrating carrying placards with the inscription written; Sicela imisebenzi (We need jobs), Amathambo eGukurahundi ayakhala adinga impendulo (Gukurahundi bones are calling for an answer), they were harshly withdrawn from the crowds by members of the uniformed forces and perceived Central Intelligence Officers Demolished homes in Arcadia (CIO’s). Although it remains unclear, it was reported that the youths were taken to Brady Barracks- a military base where they were thoroughly beaten and later transferred to Bulawayo Central Police Station. Those who demonstrated include Sehliselo Ndebele, Marshall Sibanda, Nkosilathi Ncube, Khethani Ndlovu, Malwande Nare, Thembisani Mpofu and Brighton Sibanda. Category of incident Dec 2017 Nov 2017 Assault 0 0 Discrimination 0 0 MDP 0 0 Some of the structures destroyed in Arcadia Harare 6

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