were denied access into the tent where registration was taking place. The Zanu PF youths told them that due to the overwhelming number of people who have registered, they were not allowing anyone to pass through. This infuriated the MDC-T members who asked to get clarification from the ZEC officers. An altercation arose resulting in the intervention of two police officers manning the centre. The Zanu PF youths insulted and intimidated the ZEC officers saying they were registering non residents of the ward. On trying to explain the process to the Zanu PF youths the officers were also intimidated and harassed. The ZEC officers temporarily closed the centre and phoned the District Elections Officer, a Mr Gororo. Armed soldiers were deployed to the registration Centre and ordered the Zanu PF youths away before ordering the re-opening of the centre. The registration process continued under the watchful eye of the armed soldiers. Plastic and makeshift houses erected by villagers close to the main road, in a bid to secure their properties and to shelter from bad weather Tracy Gona* was harassed by Zanu PF ward 4 Councillor Zvinorova on 4 December in Marondera Central at Rujeko tower light stalls. It is alleged that Gona was seen celebrating the resignation of former President Robert Mugabe. Her celebrations did not go down well with Zvinorova, who then told her that she would lose the stand she benefited during the Mugabe era. Zvinorova told Gona that, ‘We gave you Zanu PF offer letters to secure residential stands now you are celebrating the demise of Mugabe’. Gona was then harassed but she reported the incident to the police under RRB 331097. Zanu PF activists’ assaulted three MDC-T supporters in Marondera at Mushandira shopping centre Ward 10 on 26 December. It is alleged that, Jairosi Kashiri, Kenias Chikafu* and Mark Chikafu*affiliated to MDC-T were severely assaulted by a Zanu PF group led by Oni and Obadiah Chisango. The trio were assaulted after a heated verbal political party confrontation. The case was reported at Mahusekwa police station but no arrests have been made. The victims were referred to CSU and were assisted. On 14 December Ruvimbo Kosmas Madume was denied a proof of residence letter by village head Christopher Tafirenyika in Goromonzi North ward 16. It is alleged that Tafirenyika denied Madume on allegations that, Madume was not paying village taxes and absconding contributing towards community developmental programs. Madume presented his case to District administrator Mate who then told Tafirenyika that all villagers should be given proof of residence irrespective of their community development contributions. Ward Councillor Charles Mujuru then gave proof of residence letters to all villagers who had been denied by Tafirenyika. On 15 December 2017 at Solomio farm ward 7 Ruwa in Goromonzi South, a group of Zanu PF youths under the leadership of Koshiwai Rabvu, Last Tembedza and Mike Zaranyika barricaded roads leading to a BVR centre with stones and logs preventing people who wanted to register from passing through. They terrorised and intimidated all suspected MDC-T supporters and denied them access to the registration centre. Among the people intimidated were Raphael Chisipo, Luckas Phiri and Gladys Munemo together with other 3 unidentified people who wanted to register as voters. The 6 12 Category of incident Dec 2017 Nov 2017 Assault 1 2 Theft/looting 0 2 Discrimination 1 4 Unlawful detention 0 0 Intimidation/harassment 6 18

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