outlets on new years’ eve forcing people to revolt. It is alleged that street vendors were assaulted during the conflict forcing them to retaliate, throwing back missiles. Teargas canisters were allegedly thrown to disperse the angry crowds as the police were outnumbered. However, soldiers from the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) reportedly intervened to maintain public order. Category of incident Dec 2017 Nov 2017 Assault 5 4 Theft/looting 4 1 Discrimination 2 9 MDP 1 1 Intimidation/harassment 16 27 Displacement 1 0 Disrupted Political meeting 0 0 Threat level: Low It is alleged that from 7 November to 2 December inhabitants of Maganga farm in Marondera had their homes destroyed. Maganga villagers were told to vacate the farm by the Zimbabwe Republic Police on the pretext that they were illegal settlers. Villagers without transport were told to move their possessions close to the main road awaiting transportation back to their places of origin. An ultimatum stipulating that by 6 November all Maganga residents were to relocate or face eviction was verbally communicated. On 7 November door to door evictions were carried out by the Zimbabwe Republic Police. Hundreds of families were displaced and their houses torched during the process. It was recorded that the police would force villagers to burn their own structures. Families’ lost property worth thousands of dollars and their coping strategies and livelihoods were destroyed. Homes reduced to ashes during the evictions by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (above 2 pictures) 11

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