from the Government of Zimbabwe and to be distributed through Zanu PF structures and to its members only. Upon his address part of the audience left the venue in frustration. Rusere have conducted door to door campaigns demanding serial numbers from registrants in Karigambo 3. Reports are that there is a WhatsApp group named Karigamombe 3 which, some of the victims have been added against their will. Category of incident Dec 2017 Nov 2017 Assault 1 5 Discrimination 2 1 Theft/looting 1 0 MDP 2 1 Intimidation/harassment 9 10 Displacement 0 1 Unlawful detention 0 0 Part of the audience leaving the venue at Zororo centre It is alleged that Zanu PF chairperson identified only as Mrs Makombe conducted a door to door campaign in Kuwadzana Karigamombe 3, ward 5 instructing residents to urgently submit their names and Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) serial numbers to their cell leaders. On 28 December Makombe allegedly threatened to remove residents’ cabins if their names and serial numbers were not recorded by the cell leaders. She went on to say that those not registered for BVR were reflecting their opposition affiliation. One of the cell leader’s spouse identified only as Mrs Rusere allegedly told residents that those not registered for BVR will lose their residential stands. Some of the victims recorded were Trina Chikomba* and Rudo Chishakwe*. Threat level: Medium In Mutare South, ward 27 at Munyoro village villagers were called and gathered at Munyoro Primary School for purposes of receiving fertilisers as part of the presidential farming inputs on 2 December. While addressing villagers, headman Noel Munyoro told the villagers that every villager who wanted to register through the BVR process was to pay 10 cents to him for the proof of residence letter. This was said on the eve of the registration which was starting on 4 December On 4 December, in Chimanimani East ward 12, it was reported that a team of soldiers stationed at Charleswood summoned one Magocha who used to be a worker on the farm under ARDA and allegedly asked him a number of questions he failed to answer to their satisfaction. It is alleged that they then accused him of stealing some farm equipment which was left by Roy Bennett who used to own and run the farm before he was kicked out. They allegedly accused of Magocha of Zanu PF activists identified only as Mr Gogodera (branch secretary) and Mrs Rusere have been accused of coercing residents to submit their Bio-metric Voter Registration (BVR) details to Zanu PF cell structures in Kuwadzana, Karigamombe 3, ward 5. It is alleged that Gogodera and 8

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