Watch List Life after the anti-sanctions march: Zimbabweans are moving on with their lives after the anti-sanctions march. The low turnout at the march may result in human rights violations. Some citizens particularly those in rural areas may be victims of partisan food and other aid distribution if they did not attend the antisanctions march. This retaliation could also be targeted to people within the ruling party itself as there are already suspicions that the march was sabotaged from within the party. Economic: Ordinary citizens continue to face tough economic conditions as the cost of living continues to rise. The launch of new bank notes which is scheduled for November brings with it fears that inflation will increase, further making it difficult for people to fend for themselves. This may result in demonstrations as citizens struggle to cope. The continuation of the deadlock between doctors and their employer will continue to compromise the health sector. Average citizens will still fail to access basic healthcare as most government hospitals are only open for emergencies. The country has not received any significant rainfall for farmers to start the 2019-2020 cropping season. This exposes low income households to abuse as they continue to rely heavily on food aid which is continually being given along partisan lines. UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food: The Rapporteur will be in the country from 18-28 November 2019 to analyse and assess the progressive realisation of the right to food. Considering the varied reports that ZPP has recorded of food and other aid distribution, the organisation keenly awaits this process and hopes that the real nature of violations related to food aid distribution will be uncovered and addressed. ZPP Calls for:  A speedy retraining and rebranding of the police as recommended by the Motlanthe Commission Report, to ensure that they are availed with all provisions related to the respect and protection of Human Rights.  The state to uphold its promise of ensuring that local duty bearers do not get involved in distributing food and other aid to avoid deprivation through discrimination on party lines.  The state to address the deplorable economic conditions prevailing in the country so that people’s dignity and sense of security is restored. 16

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