and his friends discussing the prevailing economic situation. The victim reportedly highlighted that the Zanu PF government had failed and was responsible for the demise of the economy and that people should vote wisely in the next election. Chikonyora then ordered the victim to chant Zanu PF slogans as punishment for what he had said. Zanu PF Youth chairperson Godfrey Munemo in Ward 24 of Mt Darwin South at Nyawanza village overheard one villager on 18 October 2019 in a conversation with his colleagues, complaining about continued price increases of basic commodities. He stated that the situation was because of one person but did not mention a specific name. In response Munemo threatened to assault the victim, accusing him of being a traitor and promised to make his life in the village difficult. On 10 October 2019, Zanu PF Ward Coordinator Kudzai Charairo complained of high prices to a shopkeeper at Chireya Business Center in Gokwe Chireya. Charairo allegedly threatened the shop keeper stating that he must reduce the prices, despite being shown the wholesale prices of the basic commodities. Onlookers reportedly told Charairo that the ruling party was responsible for the economic decay and high cost of living prevailing in the country. Charairo refuted this stating that the high cost of living was actually a result of opposition supporters like the shop keeper who are sabotaging the efforts of government. The unrest in Zanu PF was evident during the recent District Coordinating Committee (DCC) elections for Waterfalls district. A delegation led by Mashonaland West Zanu PF Provincial Chairperson Ziyambi was reportedly sent to conduct the elections but was chased away by Zanu PF supporters in Harare South constituency. Supporters cited that they were not comfortable having thieves conducting the election. Ballot papers were also destroyed in the process resulting in the elections being postponed. Zanu PF intra party disturbances were also reported during a Ward meeting convened on 12 October 2019 at 1100hrs to prepare for the party’s upcoming DCC elections in Mabvuku Tafara at Old Tafara shops. About 80 party activists consisting of women, youth and men clashed, accusing the party’s ward leadership of planning to rig the elections. The meeting reportedly ended in mayhem as participants were shouting obscenities at each other. 10

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