Intimidation was reported in Chegutu East ward 16 at Waze business centre on 12 June 2023. It is alleged that members of FAZ Olivia Mushonga, Muzvare and Shyne Nyathi warned two CCC activists saying they will be targeted after elections. The trio reportedly warned them that in the event of a rerun in October they will be punished worse than what happened in 2008. Harare In Harare, there was chaos during the ZEC voter inspection exercises held in Chitungwiza North Seke at St Aidan primary school, Seke High and at Unity M Creche on 1 June. Many residents who came for inspection found their names missing on the voters roll while others had been moved from their previous 2018 polling stations to other centres far from their places of residence. At Unity M Creche, chaos started when ZEC officials advised people with missing names to re-register at Seke Teachers’ college, which resulted in verbal altercations. The activities of FAZ continued to violate citizens’ rights to freedom of assembly and association and their political rights. In Glenview South ward 32 at Glenview 3 primary during a ZEC voters roll inspection exercise, members of FAZ were sitting at the gate collecting details of people coming to inspect their names. The FAZ members who were also clad in ruling party regalia were advising people to vote for Zanu PF on their way out of the school. A case on the right to shelter was reported in Harare Central Ridgeview area behind West-Ridge Primary School. On 9 June, the Harare City Council demolished several houses constructed in Ridgeview opposite Ridgeview industrial site areas. About 3 families were left homeless with property worth thousands of US dollars vandalized. A resident who spoke on condition of anonymity cited that they were not given notice about the scheduled demolitions. “We only saw a grader arriving to demolish our property”, said the victim. ZPP has images showing some of the structures which were demolished. Mashonaland East Mashonaland East recorded violations associated with civil and political rights. In Mudzi North Botso village at Nyamapanda Business Centre in ward 1. It is said that villagers were forced to attend a Zanu PF meeting addressed by ruling party Youth Chairperson Gumisai and aspiring MP Benjamin Musweweshiri. Villagers were reportedly warned to attend the meeting without fail including vendors and businesspersons. They reportedly took turns to threaten people for not attending ruling party meetings saying they must repent before it’s too late. In Hwedza South, since the proclamation of the election date by President Mnangagwa on 31 May, people in Matsvai village in Goto ward 7 Hwedza South, are being threatened and intimidated with violence by Zanu PF supporters. The ruling party youth and some traditional leaders are threatening violence if people fail to attend Zanu PF meetings. One of the perpetrators Mai Ananis has been calling for violence against opposition CCC supporters. 19

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