RISE IN CASES OF VIOLENCE IMMEDIATELY AFTER PROCLAMATION OF ELECTION DATE There has been an increase in political violence since the proclamation of the election date by President Mnangagwa on 31 May. ZPP has recorded 34 cases of politically motivated violence from 31 May to June 30. A CCC activist was assaulted by Zanu supporters in Hurungwe West at Doro township village in ward 26. The activist narrates how the youths tore his CCC t-shirt in the presence of his parents and children before assaulting him with open palms and fists. The perpetrators also threatened him with death before escaping to safety. The victim says he spent the night in the bush following the incident in fear that they would come after him. In ward 18, on 12 June, it was noted that 8 CCC youth members were assaulted in Vungu constituency about 3 km away from the home of Chief Sogwala. It is alleged that they were assaulted by Zanu PF activists after they were forced to wear the regalia of the ruling party. A case on the violation of the right to personal security was reported on 14 June in Guruve South at Getto Nyakapupu village in ward 3. A CCC activist had his regalia ripped off by Prosper Dzengedza, who is alleged to be a soldier resident in the same ward under Chief Bepura's jurisdiction. Dzengedza reportedly spotted the victim wearing a CCC cap and a T-shirt before ripping off his party regalia. Some nearby villagers reportedly came to the vendor's rescue pleading with Dzengedza to forgive him. The victim reportedly went home half naked. 11

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