Major Highlights Abduction of political activists Hon . T. Ngadziore in hospital The month of November started with the abduction of a Member of Parliament and youngest parliamentarian, Honourable Takudzwa Ngadziore on Wednesday 1 November 2023. In a live video published on his Facebook account, Honourable Ngadziore desperately shouted that he was being chased. The visuals from the video show a man with an AK47 assault rifle following him. The Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) later reported that Honourable Ngadziore was “found naked, left for dead, and dumped in Mazowe”, about 50km away from Harare City Centre. Barely two weeks after the abduction of Takudzwa Ngadziore, another opposition CCC member Bishop Tapfumaneyi Masaya was allegedly abducted in MabvukuTafara, while campaigning for Phibion Munyaradzi Kufahakutizwi, who was seeking re-election into parliament after being recalled. Bishop Masaya was later found dead on the 14th of November. The targeted abductions are calculated to create “engineered apathy” among CCC supporters from participating in the upcoming by-elections, thereby creating an unfair advantage for ZANU PF candidates. The fear amongst the citizenry that has been generated by the abductions and other human rights violations has curtailed citizens’ enjoyment of their political rights as enshrined in Section 67 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, and the rights to freedom of assembly and association provided for in Section 58 of the Constitution 5

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