Midlands Province Midlands province recorded three major violations of political rights, equality and non-discrimination and human rights dignity. The politicisation of food aid and unfair distribution of Pfumvudza farming inputs became the major feature of the violations. At Gokwe Central constituency ward 15 it was reported that community members summoned their Member of Parliament, David Masvisvi for him to clarify the unfair distribution of Pfumvudza on opposition members. Masvisvi further remarked that the scheme only targeted ZANU PF members and hence members from Citizen Coalition for Change should either join the ruling party or continue being deprived of farming aid. At ward 12 of Gokwe Nembudziya it was reported that a ZANU PF activist identified as Lewis Mapiye told the community of Nyatso-Makure ward that Pfumvudza scheme was for the ruling party members only. In that meeting, it is said that Mapiye dismissed all citizens that were not called from the beneficiary list. In ward 23 of Silobela it was reported that Garisayani Phiri of ZANU PF deprived 2 victims of farming inputs. It is said that Phiri told the two that they should collect their share from Nelson Chamisa and Tendai Biti as they belong to the opposition. At Kadzunge ward 6 of Zhombe, it was reported that headman Charles Kadzunge threatened to evict all supporters of Citizen Coalition for Change activists. Verified facts opine that Kadzunge highlighted this in a meeting that sought to register citizens from the Pfumvudza farming scheme. Kadzunge remarked that CCC members are retrogressive and tarnish his village and hence they need to be punished and evicted. In ward 8 of Zhombe it was reported that a ZANU PF member was threatened and intimidated by three members of Citizen Coalition for Change. It is said that John Huni, Norman Ncube and Takawira Moyo told the victim that he deserved to be beaten because he belongs to ZANU PF. The three further warned him that his homestead would one day be set on fire because he supports ZANU PF. 19

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