Right to administrative justice In the month of November, ZPP recorded 20 cases on violation of the right to administrative justice. 8 cases of violations of the right to administrative justice were recorded in Manicaland Province. In Ward 9 of Nyanga South, there was a partisan distribution of inputs sponsored under the Presidential Pfumvudza input scheme. On 23 November in Nyanga South at Sedze Business Centre, the District Development Coordination Chairperson Mr Mhaka, unjustly denied potential recipients. The DDC allegedly allocated rations to those in Zanu PF structures only. The cases of political intolerance continue to surge in Manicaland. A case of partisan distribution of Presidential Pfumvudza inputs was also reported and recorded on the 8th November at Ngangu Hall in Mutare North. It is alleged that maize seed and fertilisers were distributed under partisan political lines with CCC members being excluded on account of their support for the opposition. The distribution was reportedly led by ZANU PF ward 15 secretary Mr Joseph Tuto. An active female member of the CCC was one of the citizens denied access to available inputs. Section 56 (3) stipulates that “Every person has the right not to be treated in an unfairly discriminatory manner on such grounds as their nationality, race…political affiliation,” among others. On 1 November, in Mwenenzi East, ZANU PF councillor David Masvina reportedly made a politically intolerant statement during the registration for the Pfumvudza farming inputs. It is said that Masvina told the community that only ZANU PF activists should register as they are guaranteed that they will benefit from the scheme. Masvina further told opposition members particularly those from the Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC) that they were wasting their time registering because they will not benefit due to their political affiliation. One of the members excluded from the registration process was a known CCC activist. Officials, including public officials collaborating with the ruling party, continue to unfairly exclude, and unlawfully deny citizens, especially opposition members, accessibility to resources such as farming inputs and food aid due to their political affiliation. 13

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