Discrimination and violation of political rights ZPP recorded 17 cases of discrimination based on political affiliation and other cases of neglect and violation of political rights including forced attendance of political meetings, forced affiliation and intimidation for political support. On 9 November at Kadzunge Ward 6 of Zhombe in Midlands, headman Charles Kadzunge reportedly threatened to evict all supporters of Citizen Coalition for Change activists from the village. Headman Kadzunge intimidated the villagers during a meeting that sought to register citizens from the Pfumvudza farming scheme denying them access to government-sponsored farming inputs. Kadzunge remarked that CCC members are retrogressive and tarnish his village and hence they need to be punished and evicted. The headman’s acts denies the victims their rights to enjoy their civil and political rights without any fear. In another case recorded on 3 November at Masvingo West ward 33, Headman Bere forced teachers to participate in ZANU PF's ‘Thank You Rally.’ It is reported that Bere warned teachers that those that fail to attend shall be removed from the beneficiary list or transferred out of the school. He further told teachers that they had the duty to vote for and support ZANU PF. Recommendations ZPP recommends that the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission should investigate the allegations of partisan allocation of farming inputs where government-sponsored programmes are aimed at benefiting all citizens and supporting disadvantaged households regardless of their political affiliations. ZPP further recommends that traditional leaders should desist from fronting political parties and discriminating against villagers based on their partisan affiliations. 9

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