Outbreak of Cholera across the country There was an increase in Cholera cases in Zimbabwe, particularly in Harare suburbs. The City of Harare and the Government of Zimbabwe declared a state of emergency in November. As of 7 November 2023, Zimbabwe recorded 6685 suspected cholera cases and 136 suspected deaths. In Glenview 2, Harare, ZPP recorded a case of houses flooded in sewer after a burst sewer pipe had not been attended to for more than a week. This situation exposes residents to cholera and other waterborne diseases affecting their right to healthcare. Deaths were reported on 22 November with people allegedly admitted at Beatrice Infection Hospital for suspected cholera cases while more residents of 56 Crescent were being treated for diarrhoea at Glenview Polyclinic. According to Section 73 of the Zimbabwe Constitution, ‘Everyone has a right to an environment that is not harmful to their health and well-being and to have their environment protected for the benefit of present and future generations through reasonable legislative and other measures. The outbreak of cholera in Harare and other parts of Zimbabwe displays violations of Section 73. The delays by City Council authorities to resolve the problems also affect the residents’ access to clean water (Section 77, Constitution of Zimbabwe). Sourced from New.Zimbabwe.com 7

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