State media was once again in its mode of attacking Civic Society Organisations with The Patriot of 20 December 2019 publishing an article titled “Unholy Alliance’’ which directly attacked the Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) and CSOs who participated and pledged their support and commitment when the National Convergence Platform was launched on 12 December 20195. The publication accused the church of driving a regime change agenda yet the National Convergence Platform is a platform that seeks to bring together stakeholders such as, churches and civil society organisations to map a way forward for broadbased national dialogue in order to come up with solutions to the socio-economic and political challenges bedevilling the country. The publication published falsehoods denigrating leaders of prominent civil society organisations such as the Zimbabwe Peace Project’s National Director, Jestina Mukoko, SAPES Trust Director, Ibo Mandaza and ZCC Secretary General, Reverend Kenneth Mtata. The Patriot has a history of advancing state propaganda through publishing falsehoods about perceived state critics, particularly CSOs. What is strange is that the publication continues in its age old habit of denying those it criticises a right of reply which is the cornerstone of professional journalism. ZPP recorded a total of 119 human rights violations in the month of December. This is a sharp decrease from the 209 recorded in November 2019. December has always recorded lower numbers of human rights violations probably because focus will be on the farming season and tending to fields. As has been the trend in the past, intimidation and harassment formed the majority of the violations at 60. The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) dominated the list of perpetrators, followed by Zanu PF. The dominance by the police reveals a state where there is use of the security apparatus to stifle dissent. This trend is a shift from the former government of the late Robert Mugabe where Zanu PF almost always dominated the list of perpetrators. Mashonaland and Harare provinces recorded the highest number of violations with Mashonaland Central recording 22 violations, Harare with 21 violations and Mashonaland East, 19 violations. Matabeleland provinces recorded the lowest violations as usual. Case File Highlights 5 The National Convergence Platform is a space that seeks to open discussion on the “Sabbath Call” as a means of finding lastimg solutions to the problems that are bedevilling the country.

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