GUNS &ROSES MAY 2021 Provincial highlights Mashonaland East As the country braces for another election, teachers in Mashonaland East are on the receiving end of the Zanu PF process of building its structures as they are being forced to actively participate in politics, which goes against their code of operation. The Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) raised concern over the victimization of teachers by a Zanu PF official identified as Kahonde in Wedza. According to ARTUZ, Kahonde is moving around schools forcing teachers to form Zanu PF cell structures. In some parts of Mashonaland East, there was heightened political activity, and the ruling Zanu PF party was in the process of setting up structures in communities in preparation of the 2023 elections. The processes were characterized by the violation of the freedom of assembly and association as ruling party officials coerced villagers to attend the restructuring meetings. In some instances opposition political party supporters were forced to denounce their affiliation and join the ruling Zanu PF party. In Murehwa North, Ward 8, Chomupunga village, Zanu PF Chairperson Taurai Chindowa forced villagers to convene and during the meeting, he issued threats to the MDC Alliance Ward Chairperson Margret Chipuka, accusing her of ‘supporting an opposition party in a Zanu PF territory and inviting MDC officials to the Ward. This case is one of the reasons why the political participation of women is limited, especially in rural areas. In Chinake Village, Mudzi North, a village head, Togo Kanyongo allegedly accused a person with disability of not supporting Zanu PF and used that to deny him access to aid from the social welfare department. The aid was in the form of crockery and garden equipment. Some of the letters circulating in Mashonaland East, forcing villagers to attend Zanu PF meetings A letter from a Zanu PF District Chairperson asking people to attend a meeting to set up a branch in Murehwa 11

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