GUNS &ROSES MAY 2021 Provincial highlights Mashonaland Central In this province, following government's approval to re-introduce the Zanu PF-inclined National Youth Service (NYS), a militia that is historically known to be used as a tool of political persecution of opposition supporters in rural areas, some ruling party activists promised there would be violence ahead of 2023. ‘JOIN ZANU PF BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE’ Zanu PF youths, citing the NYS, allegedly went around in some parts of Bindura, warning that any citizen who still supported the MDC Alliance were supposed to join to Zanu PF ‘before it was too late.’ This comes on the back of alleged plans by government to set up a NYS training camp at a former military base in Bindura South, Ward 8 near Dengu village in Manhenga, about 4 km from Bindura town. The news of the setting up of a NYS base and the increased political activities by the ruling party has continued to unsettle citizens around Bindura town. The area is known for being a political hotspot during election times and in order to assess the levels of fear, ZPP conducted a brief survey and of the 55 people interviewed, 38 said they were apprehensive about the prospects of a violent election. One of the citizens said: Judging by what has happened since 2017 (when the coup happened) soldiers have been more openly used for political purposes. Now, adding to that, the Border Gezi (NYS) brigade is going to be there. This means there will be no breathing space for anyone who is not a Zanu PF supporter because if the party youths themselves could cause enough havoc, what about with the presence of Border Gezi, the army and the police? ‘Border Gezi Youths’ A brief history Zanu PF in first major electoral setback following the formation of the MDC, which wins nearly half of the parliamentary seats NYS is formed, a year ahead of a crucial presidential poll. First camp set up in Mt Darwin followed by dozens across the country NYS is responsible for most of the electoral violence ahead of the 2002 poll. NYS Brigades are accused of sexual abuse & torture of opposition supporters Poor camp conditions and "allegations of brutality” lead to a number of youths deserting the service. Govt reportedly plans to make it mandatory 2000 2001 2001-2 2021 2015 2007 By 2006 By 2003 Sports minister Kirsty Coventry announces plans to reintroduce the NYS President Robert Mugabe highlights plans to introduce ‘compulsory NYS trainings’. The plan fails to take off NYS is officially suspended due to resource constraints Reports emerge that NYS training camps were shutting down due food and resource shortages 10

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