of the PVO Act. Tholanah was eventually acquitted on 26 February 2014 by Harare magistrate Donald Ndirowei. FOOD AND OTHER FORMS OF AID VIOLATIONS Partisan distribution of agricultural inputs especially the Presidential Inputs Scheme continued to be abused during the period under review. The provinces that were most affected are Mashonaland Central, Masvingo and Manicaland. The number of people in desperate need of food aid has since decreased as the majority of the people are already benefiting from new crops from their fields. In Manicaland, village heads and Zanu PF activists remained the major perpetrators. For example, in Nyanga South at Nyanhundu ward 16, village head Makuyana reportedly barred eight MDC-T activists from receiving fertilizer under the presidential inputs programme. At Watsomba- Mutasa Central on 22 February, Zanu PF youths reportedly denied a woman recipient to receive fertilizer claiming victim was an MDC-T member. Flood victims from Tsholotsho, Matabeleland North are likely to face more food shortages compounded by floods. The floods in areas such as Gariya 1 and 2 in Tsholotsho South and Sipepa Tsholotsho North destroyed the villagers’ fields and homesteads. While State media reported that government had assisted the villagers with temporary shelter and food, villagers on the ground say they never received any assistance. Hundreds of villagers are reported to be homeless. In Mashonland West, Chief Nyamangara and Chief Zvimba are reported to be harassing farm workers who voted for MDC-T to work during weekends in farms such as Clovely, Beatrice Strathdon and other farms around Banket. The chiefs and headmen in the area were also accused of forcing white farmers to contribute money or fuel for the President’s birthday bash. At Chivi Central, the Grain Marketing Board manager Mabhoko who is a known Zanu PF activist was distributing fertiliser on February 3 and he sent away those believed to be MDC-T supporters saying he had long told them government support was “for Zanu PF people only and not for sell-outs”. It is reported that operations at the GMB are directed by Retired Major Badza of the National Food Security, formerly operation Maguta. Retired Major Badza is known for his politicisation of government aid in the district. About 42 farm-workers from Hurudza Farm and Dickson Farm owned by Mutoko South MP David Chapfika and Army general Constantine Chiwenga respectively did not get their salaries for the past three months including February 2014 because many of them are suspected to be supporters of MDCT. The two farms are situated in Goromonzi West Constituency. One of the victims is accused of having contested as the MDC-T councillor candidate during the 2013 harmonized elections. Fig. 2: Violations of politicized food & aid distribution February 2014 Fig. 1: Human Rights Violation levels Sept 2013– Feb 2014 600 400 389 313 317 213 200 286 20 15 10 5 0 209 0 1 September October November December January February 3 16 12 0 0 2 6 0 0 0 4

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