THE ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT “Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women...” ― Joss Whedon On October 28, The Herald reported that more than a million households across the country had received inputs under the Presidential Inputs Programme known as Pfumvudza. According to the paper, the inputs were being distributed to farmers by the Grain Marketing Board (GMB). However, ZPP recorded that in a significant number of places, Zanu PF local leaders such as ward chairpersons, councilors, activists or war veterans heavily influenced the distribution method, which left those accused of being non-supporters of Zanu PF excluded. In some cases, the distribution of what is supposed to be government aid and is meant for all deserving citizens, was conducted within a Zanu PF meeting setting, with beneficiaries being forced to chant Zanu PF slogans. Pfumvudza is a crop production intensification approach under which farmers ensure the efficient use of resources on a small area of land in order to optimize its management. According to the Herald, each household got a standard input package comprising 5kg maize seed , a 50kg bag of basal dressing, 50kg of top dressing and traditional grain seeds for both oil seeds and cereals. The paper reports that the standard input package is enough to cultivate three Pfumvudza plots, each plot measuring 16mx39m, two plots for cereals (maize and traditional grains) and a third one for oil seeds such as soyabeans in high rainfall potential areas and sunflower in the low rainfall potential areas.

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