The Zimbabwe Peace Project continues to remind government that it has an obligation
towards its citizens and should provide all essential social services to all without bias.
The cases where people have been denied Pfumvudza aid for belonging to some political
parties is disturbing and should be addressed as a matter of urgency. ZPP calls on the
Agriculture minister to account for the partisan distribution and ensure those denied get
the inputs before the onset of the rains.
ZPP also implores government to ensure that the security of persons is guaranteed. The
increasing cases of the use of live ammunition on unarmed civillians is a cause for great
concern and should be addressed imperatively.
Additionally, ZPP urges government to make genuine efforts towards the setting up of
adequate infrastructure for the harvesting, preservation and distribution of water. Water is
a basic right, and contributes to the enjoyment of the right to lifeand the right to health.