JULY 2017 Heroes Day commemorations. Among the village heads conducting forced contributions is Never Kandigomba from Rongani village and Jeremiah Murira from Zhuwau 2 village. Intimidation/harassment Mudzi West parents were displeased when Kapotesa Primary School pupils were sent home on the day that end of term examinations were supposed to start (24 July). It is alleged that Farai Kufakwemba, the School Development Committee (SDC) chairperson ordered school authorities to turn away pupils who had tuition and levy arrears. More than half of the pupils are said to have failed to sit for their end of term examinations. Kufakwemba and Jonathan Chikono, the school head, did not entertain payment plans as parents came to negotiate with the school authorities. 20 17 Threat level: Low ZanuPF supporters threatened the Chitakatira family after accusing them of being opposition supporters. It is alleged that at the funeral of Chidochashe Chitakatira on 11 July, ZanuPF ward 9 shadow councillor Edmore Chirikure accused and verbally threatened the family for being sell-outs because MDC-T ward 9 councillor Edward Dzeka was asked to give a speech during the burial ceremony. The family was told that they would not benefit from upcoming ZanuPF projects in Pfupajena, Chegutu West. Tobias Kuvarega is sending ZanuPF youths to threaten Keith Kashumba, an acting school head at St Anthony Zvidhuri Primary School in Hwedza South. It is alleged that Kashumba was accused by Kuvarega of being an MDC-T activist after Kuvarega was served with a suspension order by the Ministry of Education on allegations of improper association with schoolgirls. Kashumba filed the complaint. In a bid to avenge, Kuvarega circulated rumours that Kashumba is an MDC-T activist. Kashumba has since been constantly threatened by ZanuPF youths. The DA of Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe, Clemence Masawi sent a notice on 24 July requesting contributions from all government departments in the area. Government workers in different ministries are being forced to contribute towards the Heroes Day commemorations. It is alleged that heads in government departments are being forced to contribute $2 whilst other government staff have to contribute $1. The ministry of Rural Development; promotion and preservation of national culture and heritage notified its staff members of the contributions. It is alleged that government workers in the area received a notice that they are supposed to contribute toward the commemorations as well. ZPP is in possession of a copy of the circular and has attached a copy to the report. MDC-T ward councillor Edward Dzeka addressing mourners at a burial (photo by ZPP) Category of incident Assault Theft/looting Discrimination A group of demonstrating MDC-T youths clashed with ZanuPF youths and a fight broke out while MDC-T youths were demonstrating against poor service delivery and the delay in educating people about the biometric July 2017 1 6 4 June 2017 0 3 3 16

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