JULY 2017 When contacted by ZPP, Kaseke asserted that he had been advised not to entertain interviews regarding his ordeal as this may regress his psychological recovery. Suspected ZanuPF activists were accused of setting alight an MDC-T youth assembly vehicle around 1am at Kuwadzana 2 car park in ward 37. This incident followed an MDC-T demonstration against Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) that was held in Harare Central Business District (CBD) on 12 July. The vehicle had conducted several trips ferrying MDC-T youths to participate at the demonstrations against ZEC. The MDC-T representative for defense and security, Tafadzwa Chirombe, confirmed that after running party errands he parked the vehicle. It is alleged that unidentified Zanu PF members sneaked into the car park and razed the vehicle engine and seats to ashes. Chirombe confirmed that he received a message from the guard at the car park and rushed to the scene where he found guards putting out fire and the fire brigade arrived and extinguished the fire although the damage had been done. The police were notified of the incident and it was recorded under RRB 3220680R2 and scheduled for further investigations. Leadership conflicts within the Nehanda Housing Cooperative resulted in house demolitions, malicious damage to property and several families evicted from Dzivarasekwa extension Rainham farm Masuka area (ward 40). There was a vote of no confidence in ZanuPF Chairperson Never Kowo, vice chairperson Andrew Marauka and committee members Charles Matapo and Jotamu Nkala who were accused of corruption. A new committee was elected but the former Kowo led committee was disgruntled. On 7 July a gang of approximately 30 ZanuPF party youths was mobilised to demolish all structures built on stands allocated by the new committee. Many families were evicted and their property destroyed. The matter was reported to the police (RRB5226520). One of the houses that was destroyed as a result of the conflict (photo by ZPP) In Harare Central Business District, anti-riot police threw teargas canisters and used water cannons to disperse MDC-T supporters during a demonstration against the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) on 12 July. The demonstration was meant to pile pressure on ZEC to implement reforms that include increasing registration centres in urban areas, de-politicization of the election governing body, removal of proof of residence as a requirement for voter registration and immediate commencement of voter education on biometric voter registration. Anti riot police were stationed at ZEC premises blocking the petitioners from entering the premises. Several people were injured trying to avoid tear smoke and evading physical attacks by the police. MDC-T youth assembly vehicle that was burnt in the wee hours of 13 July (photo by ZPP0 It is reported that at Nharira Primary School in Mbare ward 12, school authorities turned away pupils with outstanding tuition fees on 17 July. The schoolhead Stella Dhlakama went into grades six and seven classes where pupils owing fees were instructed to leave the school premises. Dhlakama is reported to have threatened to conduct the same process when pupils commence mid-year examinations. Three school employees were stationed at the gate restricting entry to 10

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