District Registrar’s offices so that they are able to vote in 2018. The message is reportedly being shared among Zanu PF supporters only making it difficult for other political parties. FOOD AND OTHER FORMS OF AID VIOLATIONS There were very few incidents of food and other forms of aid violations recorded during the month under review as most people have already started eating new crops from their field. There were only 12 incidents recorded from Masvingo and Mashonaland West provinces. Flood victims from Tokwe Mukosi Dam are still in need of food and other basic humanitarian assistance. The situation has been compounded by the outbreak of diseases at Chingwizi holding camp of the Tokwe Mukosi victims. In Mashonaland West, four cases concerning aid violations were reported. On 16 March, 2014 Headman Mashandu and his wives and relatives took the fertilizer meant for the aged in Makaki village in Mhondoro Mubaira. When people raised this with the local councillor she said she had dealt with Mashandu but nothing was done to him as many people who were meant to get fertilizer did not get, only 23 people got the fertilizer from over a 100 possible beneficiaries.. In Chegutu an international organisation called Samaritan Pace was prevented from distributing gift boxes on 13 March in Pfupajena by police Sergeant Chifamba for having no clearance letter. The Coordinator Brian Magwenzi had to move to Kadoma to distribute there. Fig. 2: Violations of politicized food & aid distribution March 2014 10 8 6 4 2 0 Fig. 1: Human Rights Violation levels Oct 2013– Mar 2014 400 313 317 286 213 209 224 200 0 1 October November December January February March 3 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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