• On 26 September 2015, there were elections for the Zanu PF district chairperson at Chest growth point in Ward 4, Mhangura. The incumbent chairperson, one, Phiri was contesting. One Zanu PF member known as Ndogwedu, set to contest in another ward, brought a truck load of supporters to disrupt the elections. He indicated that he was to contest in Ward 4 although it was verified from Chinhoyi that he did not belong to the ward. He went on to forcefully grab all ballot boxes and declared that no one would vote. The elections were aborted and postponed to a later date as Ndogwedu and his supporters disrupted the elections and they laid on top of the tables being used for election. They were taken out but would rush back to continue disrupting the process. The officers said they would wait for instructions from provincial offices in Chinhoyi. • Ward 11 councillor in Sanyati, Patson Chakauya and village heads of Mandodii, Munyaka B, Maisiri and Chivanga are accused of unilaterally selling grazing land. The other village heads of James, Munyaka A and Tongai are complaining about the loss of the grazing lands. The case will be heard at Chief Hozheri’s court at a later date. • Greater Nduru (not her real name) reported that some men believed to be of another party were stalking her when she was distributing flyers of the People’s Democratic Party on 13 September 2015. She claims to have received strange telephone calls. Nduru has a top post in the party. Masvingo There were incidents of intra-party conflict mostly in Zanu PF as it restructures its lower level party organs. This is a second attempt by the party to weed out Mujuru faithfuls after the first such exercise conducted towards the end of 2014 failed to yield the desired results. The new political party People’s Democratic Party (PDP) has been visible in Chiredzi with Moses Mare former MP for Chiredzi West and Jerry Chigavakava being its front men. The party is yet to show its muscle and has not made a significant impact in all the constituencies in the province. On the economic front, Masvingo City Council continues to fight street vendors who continue to flood the streets. The official vending site, “Kuchitima” cannot accommodate every vendor. Worse still the daily charge of US$2-00 per day is said to be too much by the vendors. Additionally, the location of the site is far away from the public, which makes both customers and vendors not patronise it as much. • On 19 September 2015, Zanu PF led by Ward 17 chairperson, Godfrey Muzvimwe of Muzvimwe Village, Zaka West called for a meeting at Cherechere Business Centre. It is alleged that the meeting resolved to send youths to the surrounding villages to force all known MDC T supporters to come to the meeting and “surrender.” The youths were led by Andrew Ndlovu – their leader. On their return from the expedition, they brought an MDC T member whom they forced to chant Zanu PF slogans. The victim complied 20

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