February 2019 HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS Media watch love-hate relationship of Government and CSOs Pre-election 2018 6th February 2018 when Post- election 2018-19 President 12 December 2018 –Mnangagwa threatens to de-register NGOs dabbling in politics. Mnangagwa met with the British Prime Minister for Africa, Harriet Baldwin on her first official visit to Africa- he said,’ I also 26 December 2018- NGO’s plot to force GNU exposed want to thank the UK for its 5 million investment today in Zimbabwe’s Civil 12 February 2019- Mnangagwa whips NGOs into line Society Organisations. These NGOs play a vital role in strengthening our people’s 18 February 2019- We have evidence that NGOS funded protests. ability to participate in democracy. They promote dialogue, tolerance and respect-all vital ingredients to a free society. ZPP calls for the following:  An immediate end to the use of excessive force by the security agents in crowd control. More humane and dignified mechanisms should be the standard as opposed to the use of live ammunition. Soldiers, whose mandate is clearly defined by the Constitution and other enabling Legislation, should be withdrawn from the public and return to the barracks.  All stakeholders to the crisis facing the country should immediately engage in dialogue with the hope of ending the economic crisis and provide solutions to give relief to the suffering citizens.  Civil liberties and rights as enshrined in the Constitution, including the rights to assembly, demonstration and petition and association, should be respected. 10

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