METHODOLOGY This report is based on reports from ZPP long long-term community based human rights monitors who observe, monitor and record cases of human rights violations in the constituencies they reside. ZPP deploys a total of 420 community-based based primary peace monitors (two per each of the 210 electoral constituencies off Zimbabwe). These community community-based based monitors reside in the constituencies they monitor. They compile reports that are handed over to ZPP provincial coordinators who man the different ZPP offices in the ten administrative provinces of Zimbabwe. Upon recei receipt pt and verifications of the reports from the monitors, the provincial coordinators compile provincial monthly monitoring reports, which are then consolidated at national office into the ZPP monthly monitoring reports published in retrospect. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The month of October saw intra-party fights remain remaining a major driver of conflict as the major political parties (Zanu PF & MDC-T) contin continued their internal power struggles ahead of their ir respective elective congresses. The ruling Zanu PF party topped in these internal fights as opposed to MDC-T’s MDC high during the month of September.. In Zanu PF, conflicts were mainly characterised by hate speech with episodes of verbal and physical clashes stemming from the First Lady Grace Mugabe’s ‘Meet the People Rallies’ while the MDC-T T internal fights portrayed similar characteristics but at a smaller small scale. 250 200 229 188 196 193 195 Here are a few examples of statements ements made by the First Lady at her rallies held throughout the country’s 10 provinces that the ZPP believes have the potential to incite political violence in the near future. 150 100 50 0 1 “Ndakati munhu iyeye anotungamira factionalism tirikuda kuti mumuite baby dumping. Mukasamudumper isusu tichamudumper... Tonomudumper mustreet ogodyiwa nemagora nekuti kana takuita expose kana nhunzi chaidzo ukange wafa apo hadzidi kutombosvika padhuze newe............. kana imbwa chaidzo dzinenge dzakutotya kusvika padhuze (I told Baba (President Mugabe) to ‘baby‘baby dump’ that person who is spearheading factionalism in this province (Mashonaland C Central. entral. I told him that if he does not dump the person, we will dump the person on the streets to be devoured by wild cats and once the person is exposed house flies and even dogs will be so disgusted they will not get anywhere near the person). June July August September October “Mai Mujuru’s uru’s combination with Kaukonde is pathetic; she surrounds herself with political prostitutes. Kaukonde is a Mujuru agent, manje ndakamumaka (I am watching him!) big time. Iko kaye ndiko kane demon, (That one –Kaukonde Kaukonde- has a demon)”. Although political leaders eaders continued to fight at the national level, the levels of political violence remained restrained throughout the country with a total of 19 195 cases having been recorded during the month under review a case higher than the 194 recorded in September 2014. The he Midlands and Mashonaland Central provincess continued trending high on the number of violations with 68 and 35 cases of politically motivated violations respectively. Verbal violence involving Zanu PF internal leadership fights saw leaders such as the party Chairperson S.K Moyo telling all “who are not spokesperson(s) to shut shut-up”.. The Zanu PF National Chairperson’s comments came me amid clear divisions within the party over what transpired Figure 1: Intra-Party Violations - October 2014 during an emotive politburo meeting on 1 October 2014,, convened on the backdrop of open war over the party’s succession issue ahead 60 42 of the congress set for December. 40 19 20 2 0 MDC-T ZANU PF

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