Ø Harassment/Intimidation Assault Malicious Damage to Property Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity Property Rights Harassment/Intimidation Assault Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity The province has witnessed violence emanating from factionalism within Zanu PF and trading of insults within the MDC-T party. The entrance of the First Lady on the political arena brought a new twist to the factionalism within Zanu PF. During the Harare provincial rally she denounced factionalism and tried to unite the party. However, in the subsequent rallies she openly insulted party members considered to belong to VicePresident Mujuru’s faction and even insulted the person of the Vice-President, accusing her of being corrupt and had plans to oust the President with support of the opposition party. 3 October 2014- In Kambuzuma 3 a Zanu PF supporter Mapiravana who is aligned to the Mnangagwa faction beat up another Zanu PF supporter allegedly belonging to the Mujuru faction. The victim was accused of being aligned to Vice president Joice Mujuru. Ø 8 October 2014- Vendors at the Zengeza 4 shops were forced to close their stalls to go and attend the First Lady’s rally at the City Sports Centre. Seven Zanu PF youths led by.Kupfurira were leading the closure of vendors’ stalls. Ø 25 October 2014- At the Dzivarasekwa 3 bus terminus about seven MDC-T supporters were harassed and labelled sell-outs and political prostitutes by another group of five MDC-T supporters aligned to Nelson Chamisa. The perpetrators accused the victims of supporting Douglas Mwonzora in the party congress election for the post of Secretary General which was being contested by Chamisa. The province witnessed intra-party fights within Zanu PF and MDC-T parties. There are also reports of harassment and intimidation based on one’s political affiliation. Villagers 5 2 1 8 h Harare Nort Mat 7 October 2014- In a case of intra-party intolerance within the MDC-T one Robson Chauke insulted another female supporter accusing her of having joined Renewal Team and blocked her from being elected into the MDC-T ward structures in Masekasa Village, Chiredzi East Constituency. 8 1 9

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