that it was not necessary to share her story, then all hell broke loose as supporters from both political parties began hurling insults at each other. The chaotic scenes could not be contained leading to the postponement of the engagement. In Muzarabani North Ward 1 at Gunduza shopping centre one Manzini, a known Zanu PF activist and Agricultural extension officer, threatened to unleash violence on a villager’s children for moving around in MDC regalia. The incident occurred on the 10th of August. Manzini besieged the villager’s homestead on a mission to assault the two children as he had identified them the previous day in possession of an MDC beret. He reportedly rebuked them and further warned that their actions will not go unpunished. Food and other Aid distribution discrimination continues to be a thorn in the flesh for many Zimbabweans who are dependent on the aid. Received reports indicate that the partisan distribution of food and other aid is continuing. In Buhera South Ward 33 under Chief Chamutsa in Mushati village, Zanu PF Councillor Success Nkomo announced that a new system had been introduced for people to work in order to receive their food aid. This tremendously disadvantaged deserving groups such as the elderly, chronically ill and those with other vulnerabilities who mostly likely cannot work and thus cannot access needed aid. In Buhera West Ward 5, villagers were told to contribute ZWL$5 and give the funds to Jane Ziki, a Zanu PF chairperson to facilitate transportation of the maize to their area. Sadly, Ziki has vanished with the funds and two weeks have lapsed with no food aid being delivered, leaving them in even more dire circumstances. In Zaka East, food aid is being used for vote-buying. Clemence Chiduwa, an aspiring Zanu PF Parliamentary candidate paid for transportation of maize from Zaka Grain Marketing Board (GMB) to Ward 20. Councillor Walter Masaka confirmed that Chiduwa had provided transportation for their maize aid. Another Zanu PF member Wilson Charamba then threatened that anyone who does not vote for Chiduwa and Zanu PF in the impending by-election was to be permanently removed from the list of future beneficiaries. In some cases, leaders in charge of distributing aid are diverting it to their own use. One such report was received from Shurugwi South Ward 18 where a Zanu PF Chairperson John Dube short changed villagers by distributing part of the aid then diverting the rest for his personal gain by either reselling or using it for food for work.

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