Intimidation was also a notable violation closely linked to abductions, torture and assaults which occurred during the course of the month. Citizens were largely intimidated in order to deter them from participating in MDC demonstrations. On 16 August at Murewa South Wuyu Wuyu Business Centre, Zanu PF Ward 18 Councillor Gilbert Dandahwa forced villagers to convene at the business centre. Dandahwa threatened villagers from the Ward with eviction if they participated in MDC- called demonstrations. Villagers were warned to desist from being used as agents to revolt against a constitutionally elected government. On the same day in Mazowe Central Ward 8 at Nzvimbo growth point, two MDC youths were denied access to a Zupco bus. Zanu PF supporters led by Vongai Mucheruza forcibly removed them from on-board the bus accusing them of trying to go to Harare to participate in demonstrations. An intimidation tactic was also evident when marching soldiers were noted in Gweru and Masvingo. This show of force was done during the period of planned protests, possibly to deter people from participating. August is perennially a problematic month as it is the time when people are coerced into paying funds for commemoration of Heroes Day. ZPP received reports of people being forced to contribute funds for Heroes Celebrations in Mashonaland Central, Guruve South (Chiyangwa Village Ward 11) and Mbire district. Some government officials have also been using their seniority to force subordinates into contributing funds for the commemorations. In Zaka Ward 8, District Registrar Cuthbert Mataruse forced his 12 subordinates to pay ZWL$10 each, stating that those who failed to comply would be turned away from work. Victimisation has been recorded by ZPP as people are increasingly intolerant of dissent and in some instances easily get triggered into violence. This is even evident where ruling party members who have expressed reservations over some government actions have been targeted and victimised by fellow party members. On 15 August during a funeral wake of a Zanu PF activist in Chegutu West near Pfupajena Township in Ward 9, a fight broke out between two Zanu PF supporters. One supporter complained about the grinding economic challenges and that President Emmerson Mnangagwa has failed to stabilise the economy, however another Zanu PF activist then interjected and said, ‘Bamudiki nyaya dzamuri kutaura monogona kuzodzimirira here? Because kutaura kwenyu kuchaita kuti tikurovei’ (Can you stand by what you are saying, because we will beat you up for such utterances). The supporter stood his ground resulting in the two men shoving each other before others intervened to stop the conflict.

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