In all other constituencies facing by-elections Zanu PF used intimidation and harassment laced with hate language. Vote buying was the order of the day as villagers regularly received bags of rice and maize in Tsholotsho North, Headlands and Dangamvura-Chikanga. Factional fights have become the hallmark of Zimbabwean politics. Factionalism has been noted across most of the political parties. Within Zanu PF, factional fights are escalating and cascading to lower structures of the party. On 21 May 2015 the purge of perceived supporters of ousted Vice President Joice Mujuru exacerbated with the expulsion of seven and the suspension of fifteen senior members from the party for having links with the former VP. Across the provinces, ZPP has recorded incidents of harassment and assault of suspected ‘gamatox’ members (gamatox is a derogatory name which refers to Zanu PF members who are alleged to be sympathetic to former Vice President Mujuru). The situation has deteriorated to the extent that in some provinces like Masvingo, committees have been established to monitor gamatox suspects. It is disturbing to note that based on previous experiences of such committees, the monitoring involves harassment, threats and intimidation. Factional fights have also been recorded within the opposition movement. On 26 May 2015 violence erupted at the MDC Renewal Team offices when the party’s treasurer-general Elton Mangoma was allegedly physically assaulted by an executive member of the party who accused him of adultery. Elton Mangoma’s supporters retaliated and assaulted the executive member leading to running battles at the offices. It is ironic to note that in February 2014 Elton Mangoma was assaulted by alleged MDC-T youths after he accused party President Morgan Tsvangirai of exhibiting poor leadership skills and loose morals. The assault of Elton Mangoma on 26 May exposed further cracks within the MDC Renewal Team amid fears that the party would further split. The MDC-T has not been spared in factional fights which have resulted in cases of violence being recorded in Bulawayo province in the last few months. Acting Chairperson of the MDC-T in Bulawayo province Dorcas Sibanda claims she is now living in fear after her house was attacked with stones and other items damaging window panes and leaving hate graffiti. Honourable Sibanda claims she is being attacked by youths allegedly funded by MDC-T Vice President Thokozani Khuphe. It is alleged MDC-T VP Khuphe wants Bulawayo Deputy Mayor Gift Banda to take over as chairperson of the province ahead of Sibanda. In an interview with ZPP Sibanda alleged she has been targeted for opposing some views expressed at the party October 2014 Congress. Efforts to contact VP of the MDC-T Khuphe have been not been successful. Broken window at Dorcas Sibanda's house The total number of violations recorded in May was 216, a figure which is in the same range with the 224 cases recorded in April. Mashonaland West had the highest number of violations with 44 cases 3

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