Masvingo Discrimination Unlawful Detention Displacement Kidnapping/abduction Total Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to personal liberty Property rights Right to personal liberty 2 2 2 1 44 harassed and assaulted by Zanu PF youths and leaders who campaigned for the Zanu PF candidate Keith Guzah. The political violations in Hurungwe West also affected other areas of Mashonaland West such as Zvimba West where some touts at Murombedzi Bus terminus were banned from the area for campaigning for Mliswa.  On 1 May Zanu PF youths were to be allocated land that was set aside for them in Mhangura. It is reported a local business man Masango paid the land officer Simon Makwikwi and got 5 pieces of land earmarked for the youths. However some of the youths were not allocated the land.  On 29 May 2015 in Magunje some women who stay at 2.2 Barracks who had shown interest to observe elections in Hurungwe West under the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace in Zimbabwe (CCJPZ) were threatened by army leaders. Those whose spouses are teachers were told their husbands would be chased from the barracks while those whose husbands are soldiers were told their husbands would be victimised  On 29 May 2015 a Zanu PF member was assaulted by other Zanu PF members after he had been suspended from the provincial structures. Gilbert Muchenje led the group that assaulted the victim as he was accused of belonging to the Mujuru faction. This took place at Rimuka stadium in Kadoma Harassment/Intimidation Right to personal integrity and human dignity 11 Discrimination Displacement Theft/Looting Assault Total Right to food, aid and livelihood Property rights Property rights Right to personal integrity and human dignity 1 1 1 1 15 Efforts to kill the ‘gamatox’ group political careers permanently are underway as a team comprising Titus Maluleke former provincial Governor and former MP Honourable Abraham Sithole are moving around the constituencies mobilizing party structures to propose and forward a vote of no confidence in seating MPs [Honourable Denford Masiya- Chiredzi East, Darlington Chiwa-Chiredzi West, Callisto Gwanetsa –Chiredzi South]  On the 4th of May, AldermanTsere and Zanu PF activists disrupted a Masvingo Urban Resident Association (MURA) meeting at Civic Centre claiming the association was a front for opposition parties. The committee was discussing how best they could work with the City Council in service delivery when Alderman Tsere and some youths threatened the association members. Fearing for their lives, the members dispersed peacefully.  The Minister of Provincial Affairs Shuvai Mahofa on the 13th of May 2015 ordered Hippo Valley to surrender sugar cane plots ready for harvesting to blacks within 2 weeks from the 15th of May. She gave the orders at a rally in Chiredzi. 14

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