In the month of March, Zanu PF conducted their internal process of choosing candidates; the primary elections. The race for power resulted in the use of violence internally within Zanu PF and this for all intents and purposes is an indicator that the upcoming harmonized elections are likely to be more violent. Zanu PF candidates threatened, harassed and intimidated each other and in some instances death threats were also reported. The need by Zanu PF activists to control and cling to power in communities across the country also led them to harass and intimidate citizens and opposition supporters particularly the Citizen’s Coalition for Change (CCC) members. Although the polling process was described by many as relatively peaceful, it was marred by violations and irregularities. During the elections, many voters had their names missing on voters rolls and some people did not manage to vote. The voters roll used was the cell register after months of restructuring the same. In some polling stations, there were some delays in the opening hours for voting. The abuse of women candidates was recorded in some areas such as Mangwe constituency where one of the candidates, Hlalani Mguni’s posters were being torn off. Mguni is the widow of the former Member of Parliament for Mangwe, Obedingwa Mguni. As the 2023 harmonised elections draw closer, the security forces received a 400% salary increase. The government’s decision to award soldiers and police a salary increment has been seen as an attempt to ensure the loyalty of the security forces as the country braces for the 2023 harmonised elections. The selective pay hike for security forces comes as teachers had rejected a 50% increase in their local currency wages. During the opening of the 2023 Annual National Chiefs Conference in Bulawayo, President Mnangagwa stated that Chiefs in Zimbabwe would be receiving medical cover to be administered by the Premier Service Medical Aid Society. This was said while handing over a medical aid card to National Council of Chiefs president Fortune Charumbira. The President also handed over motor vehicles to chiefs for use as they traverse their jurisdiction meeting communities. In recent years, ZPP has documented how chiefs and traditional leaders have been central in mobilising and campaigning for Zanu PF in rural areas through intimidation. The Monthly Monitoring Report (MMR) is a compilation of human rights violations in Zimbabwe. In addition to identifying offenders, the report informs the public about the state of social, political, economic, civil, and cultural rights and is used to develop advocacy activities with various stakeholders. ZPP launched the #RRRV2023 campaign in advance of the elections to mobilise citizens to Resist, Reject, and Report violence. The movement seeks to establish a free and fair electoral process where voters may express their displeasure and report electoral irregularities while also becoming more alert and responsive to put pressure on duty-bearers to take responsibility for their conduct. MARCH 2023 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 2

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