Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 Matabeleland South At Manama Business Centre, ZAPU Chairperson John Dlamini told party supporters that people from Matabeleland should desist from voting for dogs. His use of the word dogs allegedly referred to Zanu PF candidates that win but fail to deliver the promises that they would have made. Dlamini further stated that they needed to vote out the dogs and anyone from Matabeleland that voted for dogs were dogs as well. The abuse of women candidates was recorded in Mangwe constituency. In the run up to the Zanu PF primary elections, 4 Zanu PF youths led by Mililani Dube went around tearing the posters of Hlalani Mguni. The youth were reportedly drunk before they began to deface the posters of Mguni. Part of their remarks were that Mguni was supposed to lose the elections. Mguni is the widow of the former MP for Mangwe, Obedingwa Mguni. MARCH 2023 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 27

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