Matebeleland South Date HR Provincial highlights Violated 8 April Freedom of In Gwanda North Constituency, Ward 3 Zanu PF member Sister Bhebhe, is reported to have threatened assembly terror and violence to every woman who had attended a food handout meeting organized by Women and Development Association in Zimbabwe. In her speech, it is said that she made it clear that, ‘every village association lady’ allied to the organization was going to be removed from the list of government food aid beneficiaries’. In that same Zanu PF meeting, a list of those who had attended the meeting was drawn and their names were struck off the welfare list of beneficiaries. 11 April Freedom of After an extra-ordinary Zanu PF District meeting, it is reported that Chief Mathuphula ordered his village assembly heads to collect independence contributions which were pegged at $1 and 2kg of maize per household. One and of the most influential figures who harassed villagers in view of collecting money was a man identified as association headman Mcetshwa. 29

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