human were ordered to donate for independence celebrations by the District Chairperson of Mashuma district dignity and Morgan Masehwe. Each village was forced to pay a total amount of $20 for the celebration but only 6 personal villages complied with the order. The Chairperson is alleged to have wanted to raise money to buy a cow security but this failed. The Chairperson only managed to buy 4 goats and eight broilers that were shared among 17 villagers. Each member of the village was supposed to contribute 50c to take part in the activity. 24 April Right to Two MDC factions are said to have destroyed each other’s property in Alaska ward 14 Chinhoyi. The two personal factions had a misunderstanding on the nomination of a Councillor who will contest in the 2018 elections. security The two MDC factions are being lead by Mai Mulochwa and Zifodya. It has emerged that one of the victims in the violence has been hospitalised and the condition of the victim was reported as critical. Masvingo Date HR Violated Provincial highlights 16 April Freedom of In Mafula Ward 13 of Mwenezi East, it was reported that meetings were called by the village heads, assembly and between the 14th and the 17th of April. These meetings were allegedly for purposes of discussing association preparations for the Independence celebrations. The meetings which were compulsory for all the Political rights villagers in the ward were said to be part of the celebrations of the Zanu PF victory in the recent 23

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