On 25 June 2014, the whole of Nekati village in Bindura was denied access to a ration of beans and onion seeds that were donated by the Honourable Remigious Matangira, a Zanu PF Member of Parliament. The incident took place at Muonwe Township in Bindura South, Mashonaland Central province. The discrimination was based on allegations that the village is predominantly MDC-T territory. Abraham Mhembere, the chairperson of 5 4 4 Zanu PF instigated the discrimination persuading the 2 2 2 3 MP to deny the victims the rations because they are 1 2 MDC-T supporters. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 In Mashonaland East one case of violation in food distribution was reported in Maramba Pfungwe at Museka Business Centre on 16 June 2014. An MDCT supporter who is a widower looking after eight children was denied the opportunity to register for food aid targeted at the disadvantaged people because of his political affiliation. Edward Nyamweda, Gibson Kanda and Phyllis Nyamweda of Zanu PF allegedly denied the victim access to food aid. Despite the victim’s appeal to the public no one intervened and he left the centre crying. There are a few food aid initiatives by the government and nongovernmental organisations in Mashonaland West. Councillor Marecha of Chegutu East denied Remi Kamudyariwa to register for food relief on 9 June 2014 because his son has been an MDC-T candidate in every election. In the same province but different constituency, an MDC-T party supporter in Banket had her name omitted by a team meant to distribute mosquito nets. After noting the error of omission the health facilitators decided to take over the registration moving door to door. The registration had been done earlier on by Zanu PF chairpersons of ward 22 and 23. On 13 June MDC-T supporter was denied access to register for a community potato sack project by Cosmas Dzvuke of Zanu PF because he supports MDC-T. This event occurred at Benga farm in Kadoma. In Masvingo province areas in dire need of food relief include Chiredzi, Mwenezi and Chivi districts. While food and other commodities are available in shops the prices are out of reach for most people. Where food aid is available, it is still politicised. The report from Matabeleland South indicates that the food situation has improved greatly as most people had a good harvest from the just ended farming season. Local shops have recorded a reduction in the mealie-meal sales. Humanitarian organizations are now giving food aid to a selected few such as the elderly and the sick. Matabeleland North gives a similar report; the food situation is relatively stable in most parts of the province owing to the good harvests experienced in most districts. In Midlands, representatives of the Anglican Church of Canterbury in England reportedly donated food hampers to local villagers in Chiwundura constituency, Chinamasa village, Ward 9 at Gambiza Primary School. At this event one James Chanza, an MDC-T supporter told one of the intended beneficiaries belonging to Zanu PF to leave the food allocation process because the food was meant for friends of England who were allegedly MDC-T members and not Zanu PF members. 3

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