rally by the First Lady. The headman was irked by this. The two men almost fought and some people had to intervene.  Councillors from wards 9, 10 and 15 in Muzarabani South discriminated against MDC-T members on input distribution. They registered only Zanu-PF members. This happened between 7 and 17 November 2015.  A man known as Magwedere allegedly brought some war veterans and forced a farmer known as Zungunde (not real name) into a car. He managed to sneak away. The victim was targeted because he took over Magwendere’s deceased brother’s plot. Magwendere accuses the victim of having his farm halved for his deceased brother. Mashonaland East  The Zanu-PF campaign team at Sengwe Business Centre in Chikomba East denied Maggie Shunga of Jena Village and Zebediah Dingo of Ndanga Village (not real names) fertilizer because they belong to MDC-T party. The perpetrators, Jane Chikomba, Adonis Mandizha and Mildred Chigogo, indicated that inputs would not be given to MDC-T members. It is alleged that the perpetrators took the fertilizer for themselves.  On 4 November 2015, Clever Kaitano and acting village head of Rangani Village Never Pandigomba of Mudzi North allegedly refused to have the Social Welfare Department and at least one non-governmental organisation to distribute food in the area. They indicated that the people had adequate food even though people are starving.  On 5 November 2015, a Ward 16 village head in Mutoko East omitted the name of a widow during food distribution. Her late husband was an opposition leader in the area. The person in front of her Manyika Maenda alerted her that she had seen her name on the list. The case was reported to the councillor Karimazondo who took the list and saw her name which had been omitted and called her to receive her share.  On 22 November 2015, there was input distribution in all Seke rural wards. The agricultural extension officers demanded payment of US$5 for transport which was rejected by the people. The fee was reduced to US$1. Fertilizer distribution was delayed to 7pm at Gombe Shopping Centre in Seke and the officers indicated it would not be distributed as it was late. The people refused to leave and the police were called. The officers indicated that the people were causing tension. The people explained how they had been forced to wait for two days and had seen 18 bags being put aside. The people asked the police to monitor distribution.  On 22 November 2015, there was a distribution planning meeting at Mukarakate Business Centre in Murehwa South for Social Welfare. Some old people were left 26

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