Highlights:  Six Zanu (PF) councillors in Chivi Central have set conditions that if not met will disqualify the villagers from accessing free government inputs this season. The councillors led by Phillip Hungwe (Ward 1) and Enock Shindi (Ward 26) are forcing villagers to pay US$2-00 as council development levy formerly hut tax per family and US$2-00 per cattle as dip tank levy as a pre-condition for them to be listed for government agriculture assistance. Failure to pay the required levies will disqualify the villagers. On 2 October 2015, the councillors called for a meeting at Chivi turn-off where the above conditions were spelt out. The other councillors in support of the move are Saunders Magwizi Ward 2, Godard Duvira Ward 30, Renias Mutasa Ward 18 and Colleta Anna Ward 12.  There was drama on 24 October 2015, in Ward 18 Triangle at Zanu (PF) restructuring meeting, when Darlington Chiwa’s wife won the post of chairlady beating Kudzi Bere, an alleged Mnangagwa ally, by a wide margin. The defeated candidate in a fit of rage allegedly grabbed the victor by the collar intending to assault her. Darlington Chiwa saved the day by diffusing the fight. Matabeleland North The number of violations was down in the province in October. Poverty and famine resulted in several school children dropping out of school. Two thirds of the dropouts were said to be girls. Most of the girls aged between 13 and 15 are forced into early sexual abuses and marriages especially in Binga and Hwange districts. Some parents send their girl children into early marriages just to raise money for food. Binga South started registering villagers for government drought relief food but reports said the process was heavily politicized by mostly Zanu-PF members who were discriminating against perceived opposition activists. Villagers in districts like Tsholotsho were said to be demanding beneficiation from their natural resource like timber and wildlife. Highlights:  On 31 October 2015, in the Lusulu area Zanu-PF district chairperson, Amos Munsaka, who was reportedly registering people for government drought relief programme, told villagers that he would only register ruling party supporters as they cannot feed 'traitors' who support opposition parties. One Gogo MaNgwenya (not real name) and a male 25

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