 On 6 October 2015, Sarah Muti (not real name), a suspected MDC-T member was allegedly verbally harassed and threatened by Jairos Badza and Morelife Katswa of Zanu-PF at St Bids Business Centre in Nyanga North. On the day in question, the victim was discussing and commenting on the First Lady’s visit to Chimanimani. After the discussion, the actors who were standing at a distance approached the victim and threatened to assault her for her negative comments. The actors promised to dispossess her of her flea market situated at the business centre. Mashonaland Central The province had cases of forced meetings in Guruve and Mazowe South. The First Lady Grace Mugabe visited Rushinga in Mashonaland Central. She brought a lot of goods and equipment to be distributed, but the rally became chaotic when some people were injured during a stampede for free food and clothing items. Intra-party conflict within Zanu-PF was experienced affecting those suspected to sympathise with former Vice President Mujuru. There were also reports of death threats allegedly made by some members of the ruling party. Religion was also seen to be used to intimidate residents as prophets prophesy doom (and threats) in the name of Zanu-PF. Members of the opposition party experienced harassment and intimidation for their affiliation. Highlights:  In Mt. Darwin East, eight MDC-T supporters, who were allocated land by a village headman, are likely to lose it as the neighbouring Bingura family is allegedly claiming the land. The land once belonged to a woman who was married in the Bingura family, but left the place after divorce and has since died. Headman Kapudzaruwa allocated it to the eight young men. The Bingura family went on to engage Chief Dotito to come and intervene in their favour. Chief Dotito said he will make a ruling after consulting with the district administrator but has allegedly indicated that the eight homes of the young men will be destroyed. Although the land was legally allocated by the headman, it is feared that the leaders want to punish the young men and the village head because they belong to MDC-T.  Villagers of Nyamuseve Farm in Guruve North were forced to attend Zanu-PF meetings three times a week in Ward 21 in October. In Mt. Darwin South, Zanu-PF youths led by Tinashe Kapete allegedly moved around the area forcing people to attend a restructuring exercise of the party. On 10 October 2015, they force-marched Peter Sungu (not real name) from his home to the venue. It is believed they wanted to fix him 18

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