Monthly Monitoring Report January 2024 Major Highlights Gukurahundi Community Outreach Programme Source: The Standard Newspaper 40 years after the Gukurahundi massacres in the undue interference in the process. Whereas the Matabeleland and Midlands Provinces, Zimbabwe NPRC has a clear constitutional mandate spelt still suffers from the memories of these heinous out in Section 252 to deal with Gukurahundi, attacks. the traditional leaders have no such mandate, let Gukurahundi Community Outreach Programme is a alone formally and clearly defined Terms of show of “collective resilience and determination to Reference. confront our history with courage and compassion”. mandates While the President claimed that the government is traditional leaders, together with the veil of ‘ensuring transparency and accountability in this secrecy in which the process is envisioned to process’ the manuals and processes to be used to take place, has eroded public confidence in its engage victims and the community have not been ability to provide reconciliation, justice and publicly shared. The process has been criticised in healing to victims. This lack of confidence is the media for lacking transparency and not being echoed in the sentiments of former Speaker of victim-centred. National Parliament, Lovemore Moyo who suggested that Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC), the process should follow the model of Rwanda which has a constitutional mandate to deal with the and South Africa. The budget for the process issue has also not been made public. President and the The Mnangagwa sidelining extension of said of this the that mandate to This and lack Terms of of clearly defined Reference for traditional leaders has raised concerns over the impartiality of the process and the possibility of 5

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