Monthly Monitoring Report January 2024 Harare Manicaland In January 2024, several violations were recorded ZPP recorded cases of intimidation including in including a case of the violation of the right to freedom Mutasa Central Ward 15 where ZANU PF Councilor of assembly and association in St Marys Chitungwiza, Edgar an intimidation case in Glenora, a violent clash of activists. The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) political Marys descended on street vendors in Mutare Central, Chitungwiza, political activists affiliated with Chamisa confiscating their wares and physically assaulting were dismissed by anti-riot police officers, while in victims, including women. Mutare City Municipal Glenora, ZANU PF youths conducted a community police raided vendors in Chikanga Phase 2 and outreach program advising residents to show their vandalized their structures without a court order. national identity card, which they claimed was part of Mount Dangare Primary School in Mutare South is the ruling party cell restructuring exercise. In Harare facing prolonged water challenges that have been CBD, 20 suspected CCC members led by met with reluctance for resolve by the City Council Brilliant Chitute and Godfrey Nzou Tula stormed and ZINWA officials. This is threatening students' opposition party offices and assaulted four security right to education and their right to access portable personnel, resulting in an altercation and injuries. In water. activists in Harare CBD. In St Danha threatened opposition political Glenview South ward 32, residents accused the Harare City Council of poor service delivery, as raw sewage continued to flow unattended, contaminating water sources and exposing citizens to the risk of diseases, an infringement of their rights to a clean, safe environment. Mashonaland West ZANU PF youths, including Gilbert Gombe, Vincent Munyoro, and William Chikambi, assaulted CCC supporters in Seke on 16 January, accusing them of campaigning ahead of the by-elections. Arbitrary evictions occurred at Tamar farm in Goromonzi North, displacing 10 households who were accused of working on other farms after their contractual hours of work. The farm owner, Mr Mautsa evicted the households without settling arrears owed to some of the victims. A violation against the right to education was recorded at Beatrice Primary School in Chikomba West ward 13 where pupils were turned away from school for not paying tuition fees. Intimidation was reported during a community development meeting in Mudzi West at Nyagupe village, where ZANU PF chairperson Jesina Liver politicized the meeting, accusing some villagers of aligning with Chamisa. Villagers in Goromonzi South were coerced and landowners were threatened with losing their plots if they didn't participate in ZANU PF's mobilization efforts ahead of the February by-elections. Citizens were openly told to support Mr. Zhanda and ZANU PF. Mashonaland East ZANU PF youths, including Gilbert Gombe, Vincent Munyoro, and William Chikambi, assaulted CCC supporters in Seke on 16 January, accusing them of campaigning ahead of the by-elections. Arbitrary evictions occurred at Tamar farm in Goromonzi North, displacing 10 households who were accused of working on other farms after their contractual hours of work. The farm owner, Mr Mautsa evicted the households without settling arrears owed to some of the victims. A violation against the right to education was recorded at Beatrice Primary School in Chikomba West ward 13 where pupils were turned away from school for not paying tuition fees. Intimidation was reported during a community development meeting in Mudzi West at Nyagupe village, where ZANU PF chairperson Jesina Liver politicized the meeting, accusing some villagers of aligning with Chamisa. Villagers in Goromonzi South were coerced and landowners were threatened with losing their plots if they didn't participate in ZANU PF's mobilization efforts ahead of the February by-elections. Citizens were openly told to support Mr. Zhanda and ZANU PF. 9

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