Manicaland The intimidation and coercion of the traditional leadership to mobilise all the villagers under their jurisdiction to support Zanu PF continued in September, as was the case in August 2022. The Zanu PF second secretaries seem to have been assigned by their party to work on the traditional leaders in different parts of the country. Following the nationwide program that Kembo C.D Mohadi had undertaken during August, Vice President Constantine Chiwenga followed suit in September, especially in Mutare North. Traditional leaders were called to a meeting to meet the Vice President on 15 September 2022 at Bazeley Bridge in Mwandiambira village, ward 12. The agenda of this meeting was to allegedly encourage the traditional leaders to mobilise for the ruling Zanu PF for the 2023 elections. Before the meeting, the traditional leaders received food hampers from the party. With these events, traditional leaders are likely to continue to be used by Zanu PF in the forthcoming harmonised elections to violate people's political rights and personal security. The seeming partisan issuing of national identity documents was also among the provincial highlights recorded during September. Zanu PF members continued to attempt to hijack national programs for their party's benefit while side-lining opposition parties' members. People in the rural areas struggled to travel to centres where the identity documents were being issued as the blitz had deliberately omitted their areas. Zanu PF mobilised to have people ferried to registration centres and those not known members of their party were given conditions that they will only be ferried to obtain the national identity documents if they pledged their allegiance to Zanu PF. Zanu PF also tried to coerce pastors to mobilise for them. A case was recorded on 2 September in Buhera South Ward 33 where a villager approached a pastor's homestead saying he had been sent by the Zanu PF chairperson. He informed the pastor that he was supposed to mobilise congregants to be under the Zanu PF banner. Then they would be taken to the Registrar General's office at Murambinda, some 120km away, to collect national identity documents. The pastor declined the offer, leading to the messenger issuing threats and accusing him of being an opposition supporter. 26

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