Bulawayo The province continued to record human rights violations brought about by high levels of intolerance across political parties. Individuals were at the forefront of violating citizens’ rights in the name of their political parties and outfits. For example, it was noted that a group of four Mthwakazi activists led by Mzingaye Ndimande forced a CCC member to remove his party t-shirt. The CCC member was wearing the t-shirt at a residence meeting at Stanley Hall when he was told to remove it. The four activists took the t-shirt and tore it in his presence. Mthwakazi activists continue to violate citizens’ rights under the banner that citizens should not support political parties led by people from other regions. Simply put, they are determined to violate the rights of anyone who does not support them because whoever resides in Matabeleland should primarily support Mthwakazi. On the other hand, Zanu PF continues to extend its hegemony by forcing citizens to be part of their structures against their rights. During the month, Mandlenkosi Ncube, a party activist, went around the market square forcing new vendors to buy party cards. Verified facts indicate that Ncube told vendors that were recently allocated stands to fully join Zanu PF and partake in any activity organised by the party or risk losing the stand. The cards were going for $2.00. This appears to be a strategy the party uses to gain popular support and shrink the operational space for individuals to exercise their rights. Intra-party violence has also been reported, where members disagree over policy direction and leadership decisions, often resulting in violence. Such a case was recorded in the Nkulumane constituency as a CCC member identified as Fanelo Sibanda assaulted a fellow party member Vuyani Zimbili. Reports state that the two, together with others, were arguing about the possibility of the CCC winning the forthcoming elections. Verified facts indicate that Zimbili became critical of the party executive, citing a lack of clear vision. This angered Sibanda, who lost his temper and slapped Zimbili for undermining the leadership of Nelson Chamisa. 25

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