On 21 September all pupils with outstanding tuition fees and levies at Wadzanai Primary school in ward 15, Shamva North were sent home to collect fees by the school head Mr Gweva. Reports indicate that approximately three quarters of the school were affected, from grades 1-7. At Sosera Primary school in Mt Darwin all pupils with outstanding tuition fee payments were turned away by the school head Mr Mbofana. The incident was reported on the 19th and 20th of September 2022. For two consecutive days pupils were told to return home and collect fees. Some University of Zimbabwe students who demonstrated against fees hikes at the institution on the 12th of September were assaulted, arrested and detained by the police at Avondale police station. The protestors were later transferred to Harare Central police station where they were charged with inciting public violence. They appeared in court and were released on bail. 20

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