A case on the right to personal security was reported in Guruve North ward 6 under Chief Chipuriro’s jurisdiction. Patrick Chiwara was allegedly summoned to Central Intelligence Organisation office in Guruve where he was questioned in connection with his political affiliation to the Citizens Coalition for Change party. During the conversation, some intelligence officers threatened that all opposition supporters would be severely tortured and punished in 2023. As the victim left the office, he was also told to warn his colleagues that Zanu PF was prepared to punish all traitors working with the CCC party ahead of the 2023 general elections. A case on the right to personal security was reported on 14 September during a Zanu PF meeting convened in Bindura North ward 12. It is said that drunk Zanu PF youths Tatenda Chipika, Privilege Torwa and Rodrich Jacha sent by Zanu PF Councillor Wendile Machisa disrupted a Zanu PF meeting organised by District Chairperson Mr Masawi. Chaotic scenes were reported until the meeting was forced to adjourn. Verbal altercations were reported and the youths threatened to assault party members. It is said that after the meeting, Masawi escalated the issue to the District Coordinating Committee (DCC). On 2 September 2022, it was reported that Zanu PF had transported people from rural areas of Chipinge district to Chipinge Town where they were to hold a march from Gaza high density suburb to Chipinge Country Club through Chipinge town. They were singing songs denouncing the opposition CCC party and its leader Nelson Chamisa. Verified facts from insiders indicated that the purpose of this was to intimidate CCC supporters and discourage them from attending a rally that was to be addressed by their leader Nelson Chamisa at Kondo Business Centre in Chipinge West on 18 September 2022. They were also singing wartime songs threatening to unleash violence on those opposed to Zanu PF. 15

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