2. Freedoms of Association and Movement On 26 September, police officers disrupted a parents’ demonstration at Kambuzuma High 1. Parents who intended to demonstrate against alleged corruption at the school were dispersed by the police while some were detained at Kambuzuma police post. He alleged that Chiwara overcharged tuition fees without government approval and had not issued parents with tuition fee payment receipts. He also alleged that Chiwara has been demanding contributions from parents to raise $63000 USD towards the purchase of a school vehicle while ignoring the dilapidated school infrastructure. On 13 September clashes were reported in Mbare at Mupedzanhamo flea market pitting Zanu PF youths and CCC youths. It is said that anti-riot police had to use teargas to stop the clashes between the youths. The youths were fighting for the control of flea market spaces in Mbare’s Mupedzanhamo area resulting in damage to some vending stalls, vehicles and the closure of shops. The market space was being controlled by space barons linked to Zanu PF who reportedly demand fees from vendors to allow them to operate in the area. CCC youths who were being denied operating space at the market clashed with ruling party youths resulting in violence. 13

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