State of Health Zimbabwe's health system has been directly affected by the ailing economy and further crippled by the COVID-19 pandemic. Public hospitals cannot offer primary healthcare as they operate on shoestring budgets. Private hospitals charge exorbitant fees, leaving most citizens stripped of their right to access essential healthcare services. The Ministry of Health and Child Care and other health stakeholders in Zimbabwe are struggling to contain a measles outbreak that has already infected more than 5 735 children and killed at least 639 children. The raging measles outbreak is spreading fast, mostly among children of members of the Apostolic Church who do not subscribe to having their children vaccinated. The failure to contain the spread is a dilemma that the Zanu PF government battles between safeguarding a vast voter base and making it mandatory for all to vaccinate their children. In line with this, ZPP recommends the government adopt the following interventions to ensure the revival of the health sector in Zimbabwe: Ratification of the Abuja Declaration on Health to increase government health funding to at least 15% of the national budget. Enforcement of anti-corruption laws in the country to ensure that financial resources meant for the health sector are not corruptly abused by certain protected individuals. Enforce laws that make mandatory for infants to be vaccinated against the seven killer diseases 9

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